Now follow these instructions to setup our vinyl cutter in your cutting plotter control/design software: For V-Series Vinyl Cutter For V-Series 2013 Model, if you saw mysterious straight lines when cut, please check if you. In 'Advanced.' Setting, make sure COM Port Number is Under 10, if NOT, change to Under 10 and restart your computer.Make sure the port settings are as same as shown above, or click Restore Defaults.Check the Properties of the Device Shown Above.Open Device Manager under your computer Control Panel.If your COM Port Number is above 10 include 10, you need to change it to Under 10, please check the port setting as shown: 8 17:06.If you want to install the vinyl cutter as a printer, please stop here and read. Back Vinyl Cutter Product Page Next Chapter: Install Flexi, Install Artcut or Install as Printer Vinyl Cutters for Sale SKU V-Series Vinyl Cutter Price list,Plotter_V SKU V-Smart Series Contour Cutting Vinyl Cutter Price list,Plotter_VSmart V-Series Vinyl Cutter V-Smart Series Contour Cutting Vinyl Cutter Operation Manual ©, Advanced Machinery ™.If you want to install the vinyl cutter as a printer, please stop here and read.