If I were choosing again, I would go with the best deal that I could find because I think you would be happy either way. I love that I can whip up a dog or cat tag for our furry family members. The Cricut can cut chipboard and engrave metal. She was right, it is very easy to use and the new Design Space on Cricut is amazingly simple and creates wonderful projects (even with young users)!! Once I had the Cricut I found that it does two things that Silhouette doesn't. Ultimately I decided on the Cricut because my friend who is the queen of Silhouette told me she thought my kids would find the Cricut more user friendly. I have a ton of friends who LOVE their Silhouette machines and a couple who gave up on it because they couldn't figure it out. To be honest, I think you would be happy with either if you are crafty and somewhat technologically inclined. I have used the Silhouette with a couple of friends and owned the old original Cricut that took only cartridges myself. We had to make the decision based on our family dynamics and our budget. No one sent me free materials to try out. It's important for me to tell you that I am not an affiliate of Cricut or Silhouette. The first choice I had to make was between a Cricut and Silhouette.

Recently I decided to take the plunge into the vinyl cutting world.